Novels by Nick A. Murray

The_Shore_cover_smallThe Shore – Five years ago, a boating accident almost killed Jon Blundell. It also saved his life. Now, scarred and broken, he spends his time at the Castle. When his past finally catches up with him, it is the people around him who pay the price.

Publication date: 26th May 2018
Length: 408 pages
Sample scene – The Interview

ARK_PT2_COVER_smallReturn to Eden – part two of The Ark, bringing the two volume series to a conclusion.

Publication date: 12th November 2014
Length: 316 pages
Sample scene – Ralph Banning, Anchorman Extraordinaire

ARK_PT1_COVER_smallFrom the Shadows – part one of The Ark. Set in the near future on an Earth that has been devastated by the darkness from people’s own minds, a thousand refugees orbit the planet aboard a huge spacecraft, the Ark.

Publication date: 26th August 2014
Length: 292 pages
Sample scene – News Special at One

CoM_2_smallThe Ceremony of Mercy – A science fiction novel set in the far future that follows the journey of a man trying to rediscover his past and make sense of the devastation around him.

Publication date: 15th March 2014
Length: 242 pages
Sample scene – Extreme Sports